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Welcome to The Friday Society, the podcast for anyone and everyone in the health & fitness industry. In this podcast, we'll talk to industry leaders and experts about everything you need to know to scale and authentically grow your health & wellness brand. We'll hear from operational experts, email marketing gurus, accountants, and more to get you set up for success.
I started my career in 2013 working for lululemon, and learned very quickly that the fitness industry is unlike any other. My career took me to some pretty cool places - opening flagship stores for lululemon, overseeing marketing for 26 SoulCycle studios, and opening many boutique fitness studios and health food chains. I’m the proud CEO of Forever Friday Consulting, a marketing consultancy in the health & wellness space, and started this podcast as a resource for every fitpro and health savant to learn, ask questions, and feel part of a larger community. When I’m not working or recording, I’m hanging out with my two guys in Brooklyn - my boyfriend and my pup! I’m a certified yoga instructor, and truly love my peloton more than I should. Can’t wait to connect!
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Ariel Dobshinkshy, VP of Operations at Body by simone, breaks down the basics you need to know for digital classes.
@BiancaPaigeFit on Dogpound, & the tough choice of scaling back personal training clients to make room to be a @wW coach for Oprah (!!!)
Rumble Trainer Noah floods on the toxic positivity of the boutique fitness industry and mental drain
How to Boost Your PR in as little as 10 Minutes a Day
Taking an IG Sabbatical (My Thoughts on Instagram & Business)
5 Copywriting Tips to Help You Crush your Website Copy
How to Get Your Audience to Actually Engage with You on Facebook
How to Share Your Affiliate Links with More Ease
Stop Doing These 5 Things for a More Productive Day
Hey everyone, I’m really happy I got the opportunity to catch up with Gabby Cohen on the pod. Gabby is a brand builder through and through. With an impressive resume that includes SoulCycle (where we met!), RentTheRunway and now Harry’s, Gabby knows the important role marketing plays in the growth of a brand. On this […]
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So valuable! Whether you’re a fitpro or enthusiast, this podcast give such great insight into the world of the health/fitness space from top pros in the industry! Will continue to follow along!
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